brrrap... yoyo... we cumin at ya, straight at ya, yo we back again
bringin up da 3rd sound, boy... now open yer ears
with a 'lil twist like diz... with optimist like this
no more excuse... ready to use... gonna be like diz
down wit the best cuz im down wit the beast
the 3rd... (hell yeah) put up ya first up like diz!
my name lezano i've got the funky rhyme...
we doin something new... we doin all the time
cum on everybody put yer hands up!!
hello everybody yo this is how we doit
Mr. B dan F2B yo represent the third family
rezpect and unity
is an icon for the industry
so here we comes the latest for all... can u feel me?
always trying sumthin' different for you we make it real
Mr. B, T.I.T.Z Santoz and Lezano
all sound senorita, for all... Pe*****!!
back to reff:
bring back the beat B... bring that shit
ive got a full beat on my trunkz... its time to hit!
3 emcee and one beat maker... this is for ya all...
people... juz check it out yo!!
back to reff:
untuk jawaban... yang ku yakin ada diatas...
untuk kenikmatan... yang ku yakin ada diatas...
agar kurasakan... biar kurasakan...
nikmatnya bernafas...
back to reff: 2x
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Satu bahasa jutaan makna cerita
Satu kata perkata diawal langkah pertama
Ini saatnya kita tentukan langkah baru
Bergerak mau berwarna dan berdebu
Aku di sini dan engkau di sana.. ooi !
Bersama coba langkahi semua bendera.. ooi !
Redam amarah..mari bersuara
Bicara bahasa kita dengan banyak cinta .. Uuu !
yea.. and it goes like this
maju bergerak hadapi semuanya
membuka mata lebar “rude boy!” haa..lupakan luka
karma untuk terus berada didalam garis
kau tau pasti..jadi orang harus optimis
please, tepis lah egois, ku tak perlukan diss…
hanya langkah optimis..realistis ?!
menggores tinta dengan sentuhan klasik
membakar jiwa..dengan teknik terbaik !! C’moon !!
Woy..maju tak gentar, membela yang benar
Tetap semangat!!!
Woy..pantang meyerah, terus melangkah
Tetap semangat!!!
Eiyo kawan, lihat ke depan
Tunjukan jalan bagi kita agar bertahan
Teruskan..teruskan..errr..teruskan lagi
Hingga semua bermakna murni dan abadi
Bergeraklah ragaku, dan lakukan sesuatu! Ooi!
Dunia ini begitu ramai dan tak tepat bila kau layu
Rrreezzpect reerre..rrzzpect pantang menyerah
Back to Reff
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are you ready for changes??(wake up everyone!!)
Prepare your self!
terhimpit pelik strata kasta manusia
masih terjepit lingkungan hitam membuai mata
mereka masuk, melesat, menyebar
dari akar sisa generasi yang tersebar
entah kemana kan ku bawa diriku pergi
karena ku terjebak dalam sistem industri
lahir, sekolah, bekerja, mati
sistem hidupku berpatok pada materi
Oy..kobarkanlah api perjuangan
siapa kuat, tancapkan kaki dialah yang bertahan
jangan mundurkan jengkal langkahmu hey, kawan
bersiaplah tuk suatu fase perubahan
Wake up everyone, coz now it's time to face the revolution
SAVE OUR SOUL..we need a new word
SAVE OUR SOUL..ready for changes
Prepare your self for (REVOLUTION) 2X
ready for everything, It's a MUST!
ready for fighting, It's a MUST!
prepare for something..something to prepare
Whole in da wall?? just save our soul
Wake up everyone, coz now it's time to face the revolution
SAVE OUR SOUL..we need a new word
SAVE OUR SOUL..ready for changes
Prepare your self for (REVOLUTION) 2X
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yea..ough..we back again..
its Bondan Prakoso & Fade2Black
This is how gonna have some goodtimes together, baby!
This is the time, when I was a 17 in the year of 99
This is the time, when everything look so..so shine
This is not about me
I’m just telling you..hmm..how it be
Being young, feel free (oo) living out freakers
Like a rock stars shit.. Right brotherr ?
Mommy, I don’t wanna getting older
So can get freez and disorder
You wish..yea..i wish
Everything just like..like diz
Reff: That is how it goes..the way we have some good times
That is how we do it..yeaaaah…huhu 2x
Yo..i tell ya another story back in 99
Growing in my grey pants, this is the best time
Have someone special, sugar on my school
Aku bertingkah sok romantis seperti Doel
Sumbang seperti clown, sperti wayang
Remaja seperti ku kadang ngga berpikir panjang
Breaking all da rulez..breakin all da rulez
I do da bad thing..and I think I’m f***** fool
I aint “crazy legs” but I can rock it steady
Walau nakal tetap control..it sounds so preety
Come on check it out..can you feel me ??
Good time forever..masa lalu indahku
Back to *Reff
Yo memang,rasanya waktu telah lama berlalu
Sejuta kenangan masa lalu pun menyatu
Kuingat pertama kali rasakan cinta
Hingga harus terima hukuamn orang tua
Yang pasti masa lalu takkan pernah berakhir
Fisik menghilang, tapi cinta kan tetap mengalir
Seperti air hujan yang mampu sirami
Padang kering yang butuh sentuhan hati
Yea.. good times,boy.. will never role out, boy
Live your life, woy..relax and enjoy!!
Dan jika kau sedang merasakan bahagia,
Maka kuminta angkat tanganmu ke udaraaaa !!
Good times will neva roll out boy..
(Cumin straight from da mouth)
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You guys invite to my word..
A part of fade2black..bondan prakoso..
Reppresent..can ya feel me..?
Berdiri sbagai sampah.. Terinjak, terhempas
Lingkungan bagai surga.. Terinjak, terhempas
Berdiri tanpa arah.. Masih terinjak, tetap terhempas!
Melangkah, berdarah, berpeluh, terkunci, tersiksa..
I tell you, this is a hell!
..You got to rollin this.. keep rollin B!
Know you got to know what you live to believe
bosan bergerak terbatas, cant be real
when you broke down im the first on your list
you drive me well and im livin with my own self
tetap beranjak, langkah kakiku bergerak
batasan terkontak serentak terhujan ledak!
galaksi surga khayalan yang sudah lalu..
kaku terpaku, aku yang membisu kau yang tertipu
Sadari.. kau lelah berdiri.. (Im the weakness whos the weakness)
Sadari.. kau kalah.. bertahan (you the loser,im the loser,they all the loser noe,cmon)
Another part, another dimension..
Try..try.. try to slow down..
even in hard way i wanna play down
let them people pay an attention
reality show with the stupid reaction
aktor ^%&^# peran utama
situasi berbeda dari.. layar kaca
and listen im really wanna be like me MIKE..
but you know what...? yo, MIKE wanna be like ME!!
Heey..ada cara lebih baik dari ini
lebih dari pikiran pintarmu yang menglabuhi
Oow.. wait just wake up and smell..
like house of Pain say.. "So tell me who's the man!!
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You guys invite to my word..
A part of fade2black..bondan prakoso..
Reppresent..can ya feel me..?
Berdiri sbagai sampah.. Terinjak, terhempas
Lingkungan bagai surga.. Terinjak, terhempas
Berdiri tanpa arah.. Masih terinjak, tetap terhempas!
Melangkah, berdarah, berpeluh, terkunci, tersiksa..
I tell you, this is a hell!
..You got to rollin this.. keep rollin B!
Know you got to know what you live to believe
bosan bergerak terbatas, cant be real
when you broke down im the first on your list
you drive me well and im livin with my own self
tetap beranjak, langkah kakiku bergerak
batasan terkontak serentak terhujan ledak!
galaksi surga khayalan yang sudah lalu..
kaku terpaku, aku yang membisu kau yang tertipu
Sadari.. kau lelah berdiri.. (Im the weakness whos the weakness)
Sadari.. kau kalah.. bertahan (you the loser,im the loser,they all the loser noe,cmon)
Another part, another dimension..
Try..try.. try to slow down..
even in hard way i wanna play down
let them people pay an attention
reality show with the stupid reaction
aktor ^%&^# peran utama
situasi berbeda dari.. layar kaca
and listen im really wanna be like me MIKE..
but you know what...? yo, MIKE wanna be like ME!!
Heey..ada cara lebih baik dari ini
lebih dari pikiran pintarmu yang menglabuhi
Oow.. wait just wake up and smell..
like house of Pain say.. "So tell me who's the man!!
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